Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why is Rape Underreported?

In Utah it is estimated that only 16% of rapes are reported to the authorities. With 141 rapes reported in Utah County alone (2005), there could possibly be thousands of rapes occurring, many rapists never seeing prosecution. While rape is underreported, most cases that do make it to the courtroom end in the victim's favor. So why are women not reporting these crimes?

For many women, it is fear.
Fear of retaliation from the perpetrator.
Fear that the perpetrator will never be caught or convicted.
Fear of embarrassment.
Fear of mistreatment by the judicial system.
Fear of losing relationships.
Fear of judgment.

For women who are in abusive relationships, there is even more to be lost. Marriage, financial security, and custody of children can be lost when the relationship ends. What do you think are ways that women can be empowered to report rape?


Anonymous said...

Wow, those statistics are quite shocking!

Emily said...

I think we have to punish rapists much more aggressively and publicly, so that victims will know it's okay to speak out. Only a very small percentage of rape cases ever get taken to court, and only a small percentage of the attackers in those cases get punished in any way. We have to change this and become more comfortable speaking about it in general.

Erika said...

That was very interesting to know that 80% victims knew their attaker.
That means we can avoid being in this situation by reporting to the police by any extrange behavior.