Monday, November 24, 2008

Date Rape Drugs

Date rape drugs are any drugs that are used to facilitate or assist an attacker in a rape or sexual assault. Here are some of the most common date rape drugs, along with how to recognize them and their effects on the body:

ROHYPNOL (flunitrazepam): Commonly known as "roofies," "roach," "circles," mind erasers," and "lunch money." Rohypnol is illegal in the United States, but is often trafficked over the border from Mexico, where it is legal as a sleep aid. Rohypnol is a pill that can be dissolved in liquids. It usually will turn a drink blue in color, or cloudy in appearance. The effects can be seen in 30 minutes, and usually the consumer will exhibit the signs of being drunk (slurred speech, drowsiness, difficulty coordinating body movements) before blacking out for a period of a few hours.

GHB (gamma hydroxybutric acid): Commonly known as "goop," "salt water," "Vita-G," "bedtime scoop," "liquid X," and "salt water." GHB is available in pill form, or as a colorless liquid. GHB can make your drink taste salty. GHB's effects can be felt in 15 minutes. GHB causes one to relax and eventually pass out.

KETAMINE: Commonly known as "special K," "super acid," "K-hole," and "black hole." Ketamine is legal in the United States for use as an anesthetic. Ketamine is often stolen from veterinary clinics, where it is primarily used. Ketamine is available in liquid form, or as a white powder. It's effects can be felt almost immediately after consumption. Ketamine causes a hallucinogenic high, leading to out of body experiences, loss of sense of time and body, and memory loss.

ALCOHOL and ECSTASY are also date rape drugs. Alcohol and Ecstasy make it difficult for one to think clearly, fight back, and make good decisions.

To protect yourself from being a victim of date rape drugs, keep an eye on your drink. Don't accept drinks from strangers, and don't consume your drink if it looks or smells funny or different. If you think you have had a laced drink, get help immediately. Go with a friend. Look out for each other.

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